relancer la fraternité universitaire universelle
Il y a des siècles, un étudiant, un escholier comme on disait alors dans le
royaume de France, pouvait connaître tous les intellectuels des contrées alentour et voyager pour aller à leur rencontre.
Aujourd'hui, les
étudiants et enseignants se comptent par dizaines de millions, nous
avons l'avion, le train, la voiture, le téléphone et Internet.
Mais, paradoxalement, cette fraternité a disparu.
Pourtant, de 1898 à
1914, alors qu'il y avait déjà un demi-million d'étudiants de par
le monde, un mouvement festif et fraternel universel des étudiants,
ni politique, ni religieux, ni humanitaire, a existé et prospéré
sur les cinq continents regroupant des dizaines de milliers de
Ce mouvement s'appelait
la Corda Fratres et avait été fondé par un Italien de Turin
nommé Efisio Giglio-Tos.
Ce qu'il a fait a été
oublié. Il existe aujourd'hui en tout trois spécialistes de son
histoire. Un enseignant et historien italien Aldo Alessandro Mola, un
collectionneur et historien italien Marco Albera. Je pense être le
troisième. Je leur ai dit qu'il faudrait faire renaître l'œuvre d'Efisio Giglio-Tos. Ils trouvent cette idée juste.
renaissance de la Corda Fratres, comment procéder ?
Je suis Français et vis
en France. J'aime la France et les Français. Mais venant de Russie
ma famille a son regard propre sur le pays qui l'a généreusement
accueilli. Et y discerne certaines faiblesses ou défauts comme tous
les pays en ont. En particulier, je vois que dans ma spécialité :
la fête, le Carnaval, la festivité estudiantine, je ne trouverais
ni soutiens, ni encouragements du côté officiel. C'est pourquoi,
pour faire revivre une grande cause, je suis amené à m'adresser à
des personnes extérieures à la France en espérant qu'un jour
celle-ci me rejoindra.
De quoi s'agit-il ? De la
goguette et la Corda Fratres.
Au cours de mes
recherches, au bout de dix-huit années j'ai identifié la base
traditionnelle de la fête populaire en France, Belgique et sans
doute ailleurs dans d'autres pays : il s'agit de la goguette.
La goguette est une chose
très simple : un groupe de moins de vingt personnes se réunissant
ponctuellement pour chanter des chansons, passer un bon moment
ensemble sans engager de gros frais, avoir besoin de local,
logistique, risquer les combats de chefs et le parasitage par des
Ce groupe doit
impérativement comporter moins de vingt membres.
Sinon, à partir de vingt les problèmes arrivent. Il se casse en
deux. Et en plus par la suite s'il augmente encore de volume, les
dissensions apparaissent, les ambitions de commandement des autres se
révèlent, la politique s'invite, les parasites accourent, etc. Et
tout fini par disparaître.
La preuve
par Dunkerque
C'est ce qui s'est passé
en France. Il y avait jadis des milliers et des milliers,
certainement des dizaines de milliers de goguettes. Elles portaient
ce nom ou pas. Jusqu'en 1835, l'interdiction d'atteindre vingt membres
et au delà les a maintenu saines et vivantes. A partir de 1835 et du
procès de la Goguette de l'Enfer, l'autorisation d'atteindre
et dépasser vingt membres est arrivée.
Alors, les goguettes ont
grandi, grandi... et à présent il n'y en a pratiquement plus nulle
part et la fête populaire a disparu partout. Sauf à Dunkerque et
dans les villes alentours où le Carnaval est énorme et où la fête
populaire est restée vivante. Pourquoi ? Parce que à Dunkerque le
Carnaval est à l'origine organisé par les marins allant pêcher la
morue au large de l'Islande et de Terre Neuve. Ce qu'ils font dans
des petits bateaux nommés lougres. Les équipages sont de douze
hommes... et les goguettes, qui portent aujourd'hui à Dunkerque et
dans les villes alentours le nom de « sociétés
philanthropiques et carnavalesques » ont en moyenne : douze
membres !
C'est resté dans la
culture locale dunkerquoise et ça a protégé le Carnaval. Faites
juste 66 kilomètres à partir de Dunkerque, vous arrivez à Lille.
Il y avait jadis là un très grand Carnaval. Aujourd'hui, il n'y a
plus rien. A Paris, le Carnaval, jadis gigantesque, a disparu après
1952. J'ai eu beaucoup de mal pour le faire renaître en 1998. Nous
étions 3500 dans le cortège 2014. On s'y amuse bien. C'est une
vraie fête. Et c'est l'essentiel. Pour qu'il redevienne très grand,
il faut que renaissent les goguettes. Je m'y emploie. C'est très
difficile, car la tradition interrompue et les habitudes culturelles
actuelles font que mon message pourtant simple a beaucoup de mal à
L'acquit théorique de la
redécouverte de la goguette est fondamental pour faire revivre ce
grand mouvement dans les universités du monde où il a déjà
prospéré jadis : la Corda Fratres, ce qui signifie en latin
: les Cœurs Frères.
La Corda
Fratres doit renaître par la goguette
Mes recherches se
rejoignent. Demain, il faut proposer aux étudiants du monde de créer
des goguettes. Puis, de les mettre en réseaux.
Quand j'ai proposé en
2006 de faire renaître la Corda Fratres, j'ai eu tout de suite des
appels intéressés venant d'Espagne : de Cadix, Cordoba, Madrid, du
Portugal : de Porto, du Chili : de Valparaiso, de Colombie : de Bogota.
Et des contacts très positifs avec l'administration de l'université
du Colorado à Boulder.
Mon idée était de faire
quelque chose en liaison avec le Carnaval de Paris. Mais j'ignorais
alors encore la base de la fête populaire française : la goguette.
Ce que je propose c'est
aussi que les goguettes étudiantes se rassemblent dans des fêtes.
En commençant par celles qui existent déjà, à Bruxelles, Berkeley
et ailleurs...
Et aussi à Paris, où
avec le Carnaval de Paris existe à présent à nouveau depuis 2009
le Carnaval des Femmes, Fête des Reines des Blanchisseuses de la
Mi-Carême qui était jadis la grande fête des étudiants parisiens.
Discutons-en et faisons
quelque chose !
la Corda Fratres
La Corda Fratres
s'adressait aux étudiants et ex étudiants. On pourrait
l'élargir à la jeunesse et au delà. Faire naître une sorte de
festivité universelle... C'est un rêve. Mais il est peut-être
Tous les hommes sont
frères. Ce n'est pas une simple idée. C'est une réalité. A nous
de la faire vivre.
Basile philosophe naïf,
Paris le 18 décembre 2014
project for the world's universities
How to revive the universal brotherhood university
There centuries, an intellectual, a schoolboy as it was called in the kingdom of France, could know all the intellectuals of his time traveling around to meet them.
Today, students and teachers in the tens of millions, we have the plane, train, car, telephone and Internet. Paradoxically, this brotherhood has disappeared.
Yet from 1898 to 1914, when there were already half a million students worldwide, universal festive and fraternal student movement, neither political nor religious or humanitarian, existed and thrived on five continents involving tens of thousands of members.
This movement was called Corda Fratres and was founded by an Italian named Turin Giglio-Tos Efisio.
What he did was forgotten. There are now a total of three experts in its history. A teacher and Italian historian Aldo Alessandro Mola, a collector and Italian historian Marco Albera. I think I am the third. I told them it would revive the work of Giglio-Tos Efisio. They find that fair idea.
The rebirth of the Corda Fratres, how?
I am French and live in France. I love France and the French. But my family from Russia has its own view of the country which has generously welcomed. And discerns some weaknesses or flaws like all countries do. In particular, I see that my specialty party, Carnival, the student festival, I find neither support nor the official side encouragement. Therefore, to revive a great cause, I have to speak to people outside of France hoping that one day it will reach me.
What is it? The spree and Corda Fratres.
During my research, after eighteen years I have identified the traditional base of the festival in France, Belgium and probably also in other countries: it is the spree.
The spree is a very simple thing: a group of less than twenty people coming together occasionally to sing songs, have a good time together without incurring large costs, need local, logistics, risk managers and fighting the interference by profiteers.
This group must always be less than twenty members. Otherwise, from twenty problems arise. It broke in two. And more later if it is still increasing in volume, are dissensions, command ambitions of others are revealed, the policy calls, parasites come running, etc. And all eventually disappeared.
Proof by Dunkerque
This is what happened in France. There used to be thousands and thousands, probably tens of thousands of goguettes. They carried that name or not. Until 1835, the prohibition to reach twenty members and beyond kept them healthy and alive. From 1835 and the trial of Goguette de l'Enfer (Goguette of Hell), permission to meet and exceed twenty members arrived.
Then the goguettes grew up, grew up ... and now there is virtually nowhere and the popular festival has disappeared everywhere. Except in Dunkirk and surrounding cities where the Carnival is huge and where popular party remained alive. Why? Because Dunkirk Carnival is behind held up by marine fish cod off Iceland and Newfoundland. What they do in small boats called lougres. The crews of twelve men ... and goguettes, covering today at Dunkirk and the surrounding towns the "philanthropic and carnival societies" have an average twelve members!
It remained in the local culture and Dunkirk that protected the Carnival. Made just 66 kilometers from Dunkerque, you get to Lille. There was once a very grand carnival. Today there is nothing left. In Paris, the Carnival, formerly gigantic, disappeared after 1952. I struggled to revive in 1998. We were in the procession 3500 2014. It amuses them well. This is a real celebration. And that's the point. For there again become very large, must goguettes reborn. I'm working. It is very difficult because the interrupted tradition and current cultural habits are yet my simple message is very difficult to pass.
The acquired theoretical rediscovering the spree is fundamental to revive this great movement in the universities of the world where he has thrived once: the Corda Fratres, which means in Latin: Hearts Brothers.
La Corda Fratres be reborn by spree
My research meet. Tomorrow is to offer world students create goguettes. Then put them into networks.
When I proposed in 2006 to revive the Corda Fratres, I was immediately interested calls from Spain: Cadiz, Cordoba, Madrid, Portugal: Porto, Chile: Valparaiso, Colombia : Bogota. And the very positive contacts with the administration of the University of Colorado at Boulder.
My idea was to do something in conjunction with the Carnival of Paris. But I still did not know when the base of the French festival: the spree.
What I propose is also that students goguettes congregate in the holidays. Starting with those that already exist, in Brussels, Berkeley and elsewhere ...
And in Paris, where the Carnival of Paris since 2009 is now again the Carnival Women's Day, Queens Blanchisseuses Mid-Lent was once the great feast of Parisian students.
Discuss it and do something!
Expand the Corda Fratres
La Corda Fratres addressed to students and former students. We could expand youth and beyond. Bring about a kind of universal festivity ... It's a dream. But it may be feasible.
All men are brothers. This is not a simple idea. It is a reality. To us to make it live.
Basile naive philosopher Paris December 18, 2014
How to revive the universal brotherhood university
There centuries, an intellectual, a schoolboy as it was called in the kingdom of France, could know all the intellectuals of his time traveling around to meet them.
Today, students and teachers in the tens of millions, we have the plane, train, car, telephone and Internet. Paradoxically, this brotherhood has disappeared.
Yet from 1898 to 1914, when there were already half a million students worldwide, universal festive and fraternal student movement, neither political nor religious or humanitarian, existed and thrived on five continents involving tens of thousands of members.
This movement was called Corda Fratres and was founded by an Italian named Turin Giglio-Tos Efisio.
What he did was forgotten. There are now a total of three experts in its history. A teacher and Italian historian Aldo Alessandro Mola, a collector and Italian historian Marco Albera. I think I am the third. I told them it would revive the work of Giglio-Tos Efisio. They find that fair idea.
The rebirth of the Corda Fratres, how?
I am French and live in France. I love France and the French. But my family from Russia has its own view of the country which has generously welcomed. And discerns some weaknesses or flaws like all countries do. In particular, I see that my specialty party, Carnival, the student festival, I find neither support nor the official side encouragement. Therefore, to revive a great cause, I have to speak to people outside of France hoping that one day it will reach me.
What is it? The spree and Corda Fratres.
During my research, after eighteen years I have identified the traditional base of the festival in France, Belgium and probably also in other countries: it is the spree.
The spree is a very simple thing: a group of less than twenty people coming together occasionally to sing songs, have a good time together without incurring large costs, need local, logistics, risk managers and fighting the interference by profiteers.
This group must always be less than twenty members. Otherwise, from twenty problems arise. It broke in two. And more later if it is still increasing in volume, are dissensions, command ambitions of others are revealed, the policy calls, parasites come running, etc. And all eventually disappeared.
Proof by Dunkerque
This is what happened in France. There used to be thousands and thousands, probably tens of thousands of goguettes. They carried that name or not. Until 1835, the prohibition to reach twenty members and beyond kept them healthy and alive. From 1835 and the trial of Goguette de l'Enfer (Goguette of Hell), permission to meet and exceed twenty members arrived.
Then the goguettes grew up, grew up ... and now there is virtually nowhere and the popular festival has disappeared everywhere. Except in Dunkirk and surrounding cities where the Carnival is huge and where popular party remained alive. Why? Because Dunkirk Carnival is behind held up by marine fish cod off Iceland and Newfoundland. What they do in small boats called lougres. The crews of twelve men ... and goguettes, covering today at Dunkirk and the surrounding towns the "philanthropic and carnival societies" have an average twelve members!
It remained in the local culture and Dunkirk that protected the Carnival. Made just 66 kilometers from Dunkerque, you get to Lille. There was once a very grand carnival. Today there is nothing left. In Paris, the Carnival, formerly gigantic, disappeared after 1952. I struggled to revive in 1998. We were in the procession 3500 2014. It amuses them well. This is a real celebration. And that's the point. For there again become very large, must goguettes reborn. I'm working. It is very difficult because the interrupted tradition and current cultural habits are yet my simple message is very difficult to pass.
The acquired theoretical rediscovering the spree is fundamental to revive this great movement in the universities of the world where he has thrived once: the Corda Fratres, which means in Latin: Hearts Brothers.
La Corda Fratres be reborn by spree
My research meet. Tomorrow is to offer world students create goguettes. Then put them into networks.
When I proposed in 2006 to revive the Corda Fratres, I was immediately interested calls from Spain: Cadiz, Cordoba, Madrid, Portugal: Porto, Chile: Valparaiso, Colombia : Bogota. And the very positive contacts with the administration of the University of Colorado at Boulder.
My idea was to do something in conjunction with the Carnival of Paris. But I still did not know when the base of the French festival: the spree.
What I propose is also that students goguettes congregate in the holidays. Starting with those that already exist, in Brussels, Berkeley and elsewhere ...
And in Paris, where the Carnival of Paris since 2009 is now again the Carnival Women's Day, Queens Blanchisseuses Mid-Lent was once the great feast of Parisian students.
Discuss it and do something!
Expand the Corda Fratres
La Corda Fratres addressed to students and former students. We could expand youth and beyond. Bring about a kind of universal festivity ... It's a dream. But it may be feasible.
All men are brothers. This is not a simple idea. It is a reality. To us to make it live.
Basile naive philosopher Paris December 18, 2014
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