Le pouvoir, en
particulier politique, est tempéré par les divers contre-pouvoirs
agissant dans les domaines où il intervient. Aujourd'hui, même s'il
est théoriquement ouvert aux deux sexes, même s'il est sexuellement
mixte ou réputé « asexué », le pouvoir est très
fréquemment, voire pratiquement toujours détenu par des hommes. Ce
qui a d'importantes conséquences sur les femmes. Par exemple, en
France, quand elles travaillent à l'extérieur de leur maison, les
femmes à travail égal avec les hommes, sont rémunérées en
moyenne 26 % moins que leurs collègues masculins. L'immense et
inestimable travail domestique et maternel des femmes n'est ni
reconnu, ni rémunéré. Être assistante maternelle ou travailler en
crèche est un métier. On est payé pour ça. Faire exactement la
même chose avec ses propres enfants n'est ni rémunéré, ni
reconnu. C'est du bénévolat. Il faut que cette situation très
injuste change, et en suivant la volonté des femmes.
Pour tempérer le pouvoir
politique, il faut que les femmes exercent l'influence juste et
nécessaire qui leur revient dans l'intérêt de tous. Pour réduire
les grands problèmes de société résultant de la maltraitance des
femmes, de leur non respect dans quantité de situations et domaines,
il est judicieux de créer un pouvoir féminin émanant des femmes et
rien que des femmes.
Ce pouvoir émanerait de
l'Assemblée féminine, une assemblée formée uniquement de
femmes et élue exclusivement par des femmes. Dans des modalités qui
restent à définir, cette Assemblée
féminine exprimerait la volonté des femmes face au pouvoir
central théoriquement égalitaire, mixte ou asexué, mais toujours
très largement masculin.
derniers mois on a ouvert le débat en France sur la nécessité de
modifier notre constitution. Et un des quatre principaux candidats à
l'élection présidentielle française de 2017, s'est même déclaré
favorable à sa complète réécriture. Voici venu une situation
favorable pour lancer l'idée d'une Assemblée féminine
contre-pouvoir à l'hégémonie politique masculine. Créer
l'Assemblée féminine est indispensable pour que naisse une vraie
démocratie. Il faut changer à la base. Un pouvoir où un sexe
domine l'autre n'est pas la démocratie.
Cette idée d'Assemblée
féminine peut être reprise dans d'autres pays. Elle va dans
le sens de l'établissement un jour d'une Assemblée mondiale des
femmes. Cette assemblée irait dans le sens d'une paix
perpétuelle à l'échelle du monde. Rêve immémorial et justifié
des humains que nous avons intérêt à réaliser dans pas trop
longtemps sous peine sinon de voir notre civilisation
s'auto-anéantir. Les femmes, qui donnent la vie, ont leur mot à
dire pour la paix. Ce sont elles qui forceront un jour les hommes à
renoncer à la guerre entre eux et contre la Nature.
propose que l'idée de l'Assemblée féminine soit débattue et
affinée. Commençons ce débat en France et à Paris et que le débat
s'étende ensuite partout. Je diffuse ce message autour de moi. Les
premières femmes auxquelles j'en ai parlé, Marie et Anne, m'ont
paru intéressées et favorables. Une dame qui tient un magasin a
décidé de donner à lire ce texte à toutes ses clientes. La suite
pratique immédiate à donner à ce projet pourrait prendre des
formes diverses dont certaines restent à trouver.
Je tâcherai de susciter le débat parmi les jeunes que je connais.
Pour la paix et l'amitié entre tous, au service de tous et du
respect et de la justice. Pour que cesse la maltraitance et le non
respect des femmes. Pour que l'harmonie règne enfin entre tous les
humains. Projet impossible à réaliser tant que les femmes, soit
plus de la moitié de l'Humanité, sont très souvent obligées de
vivre en se méfiant et protégeant des hommes qu'elles rencontrent.
Jacques Prévert disait : « Il faudrait essayer d’être
heureux, ne serait-ce que
pour donner l’exemple. »
Tout ce que nous voulons sera possible demain avec et grâce à
l'Assemblée féminine.
Basile philosophe naïf,
Paris le 21 avril 2017
Power, and political power in particular, is mitigated by various counter-powers acting in their own areas of expertise. Today, although it's theoretically opened to all genres, even if it's supposed to be equal or supposedly "asexual", Power is very frequently, and almost exclusively held by men. Which has tremendous consequences for women. For example in France, when they work outside their home, women usually are paid 26% less than their male counterparts. The invaluable domestic and maternal work done by women is neither recognized as "proper work" nor paid. Working with babies or in a kindergarden is a proper job. Where you're getting paid. But doing the exact same thing with one's own children is neither paid, nor recognized as a proper job. It's volunteering, basicaly. This unfair situation has to change, according to what women want of course.
To moderate political power, women have to use the fair and necessary influence they ought to have, in society's best interest. In order to reduce the great societal problems due to women being abused and disrespected in so many situations and areas, it would only be fait to create a feminine power coming from women and only from women.
That power would emerge from the "Feminine Assembly", an assembly for my only by women and elected exclusively by women. In ways that are yet to be defined, that Feminine Assembly would express feminine will, faced to the theoretically equalitarian central power, joint and asexual, but almost aways exclusively male.
These last months have opened a debate in France concerning the necessity to modify our constitution. One of the 4 main candidates in the French presidential election even called for a complete rewriting of the French Constitution. This is indeed a rather favorable situation to launch the idea of a Feminine Assembly that would act as a counter-power to the masculine hegemony. To create a Feminine Assembly is crucial in order for a true democracy to be born. The base has change. Power where one genre dominates the others is not democracy.
This idea of the Feminine Assembly can be picked up by other countries. It's going towards a project or a World Women Assembly. That assembly would aim toward perpetual world peace. An everlasting human dream that we'd better make come true quickly before we self destruct as a civilization. Women, who give life, have something to say about peace. They're the ones who will one day force men to renounce war between each other and Nature.
I propose that the idea if a Feminine Assembly should be debated and specified. Let's start this debate in France and in Paris and then the debate will spread everywhere else. I'm broadcasting this message around me. The first two women I have shared this idea with, Marie and Anne, looked interested and favorable. A shop owner said she's give this text to read to all her clients. The practical and immédiate follow-ups to this project could take lang forms ad they are to be determined.
I'll try to elicit a debate among the young people I know. For peace and friendship between everyone, in service of everyone and respecting justice. On order for female abuse and disrespect to stop. In order for harmony to happen between the whole of humanity. That utopian project is impossible as long as women, more than half of the world's population, very often have to live in defiance of men they meet and protect themselves from them. Jacques Prévert once said: "You'll have to try and be happy, if only to show example." Everything we want, can and will be possible tomorrow with the Feminine Assembly's help.
Basile naive philosopher, Paris 21th avril 2017
Call to
Power, and political power in particular, is mitigated by various counter-powers acting in their own areas of expertise. Today, although it's theoretically opened to all genres, even if it's supposed to be equal or supposedly "asexual", Power is very frequently, and almost exclusively held by men. Which has tremendous consequences for women. For example in France, when they work outside their home, women usually are paid 26% less than their male counterparts. The invaluable domestic and maternal work done by women is neither recognized as "proper work" nor paid. Working with babies or in a kindergarden is a proper job. Where you're getting paid. But doing the exact same thing with one's own children is neither paid, nor recognized as a proper job. It's volunteering, basicaly. This unfair situation has to change, according to what women want of course.
To moderate political power, women have to use the fair and necessary influence they ought to have, in society's best interest. In order to reduce the great societal problems due to women being abused and disrespected in so many situations and areas, it would only be fait to create a feminine power coming from women and only from women.
That power would emerge from the "Feminine Assembly", an assembly for my only by women and elected exclusively by women. In ways that are yet to be defined, that Feminine Assembly would express feminine will, faced to the theoretically equalitarian central power, joint and asexual, but almost aways exclusively male.
These last months have opened a debate in France concerning the necessity to modify our constitution. One of the 4 main candidates in the French presidential election even called for a complete rewriting of the French Constitution. This is indeed a rather favorable situation to launch the idea of a Feminine Assembly that would act as a counter-power to the masculine hegemony. To create a Feminine Assembly is crucial in order for a true democracy to be born. The base has change. Power where one genre dominates the others is not democracy.
This idea of the Feminine Assembly can be picked up by other countries. It's going towards a project or a World Women Assembly. That assembly would aim toward perpetual world peace. An everlasting human dream that we'd better make come true quickly before we self destruct as a civilization. Women, who give life, have something to say about peace. They're the ones who will one day force men to renounce war between each other and Nature.
I propose that the idea if a Feminine Assembly should be debated and specified. Let's start this debate in France and in Paris and then the debate will spread everywhere else. I'm broadcasting this message around me. The first two women I have shared this idea with, Marie and Anne, looked interested and favorable. A shop owner said she's give this text to read to all her clients. The practical and immédiate follow-ups to this project could take lang forms ad they are to be determined.
I'll try to elicit a debate among the young people I know. For peace and friendship between everyone, in service of everyone and respecting justice. On order for female abuse and disrespect to stop. In order for harmony to happen between the whole of humanity. That utopian project is impossible as long as women, more than half of the world's population, very often have to live in defiance of men they meet and protect themselves from them. Jacques Prévert once said: "You'll have to try and be happy, if only to show example." Everything we want, can and will be possible tomorrow with the Feminine Assembly's help.
Basile naive philosopher, Paris 21th avril 2017
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